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The Hamilton Advertiser, 15th June 1912, pg. 9 with thanks

The new bandstand which Mr John Monteath, Clydesdale Bank has presented to the town of Hamilton, and which has been erected in the Public Park was formally opened on Saturday afternoon when a programme of vocal and instrumental music was performed by the Hamilton Philharmonic Choir and the Clydebank Burgh Band.


Fortunately, the weather was most prodigious, and this combined with the excellence of the programme, ensured the success of the ceremony which was carried out in the presence of several important representatives of all sections of the community.


Dean of Guild Brown, convener of the Parks Committee, presided over the opening. Dean of Guild Brown, on behalf of the Town Council, extended a hearty welcome to all present and expressed pleasure at the large and representative attendance. Continuing, he said that two or more years ago, the Parks Committee discussed the question of erecting a bandstand, but while they were all agreed as the advisability, they were all agreed that they did not care to pay for it. (Laughter) they had adopted the policy of "wait and see", and he thought all would agree that in doing so they had acted sensibly, as now Mr Monteath had very kindly come forward and presented the town with that handsome bandstand. (Applause) Dean of Guild Brown, convener of the Parks Committee, presided over the opening proceedings and was accompanied in the stand by Provost Smellie, Councillor F. Cassells and Mr John Monteath, the donor, while almost all the other members of the Town Council were among the audience.


Mr Monteath's interest in the Public Park was not of yesterday, as some time ago he presented many of the seats on which they were sitting, and he had always had the improvement of the Park at heart. They were glad indeed to have such men in the community, and he was pleased to be able to call Mr Monteath to hand over the bandstand to the town. (Applause) Mr Monteath, who was enthusiastically received, in the course of an interesting address said that the Public Park was presented to the town by the late Duke of Hamilton on the occasion of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria, and since then a great deal had been done both by the Town Council and by private individuals in the way of beautifying it and making it of more service to the public.


However, the park was not complete without a bandstand, and he desired to say that the idea of presenting a bandstand occurred first of all to his late wife, so that the creation which they saw there that day was due to her suggestion. (Applause) For that reason, in addition to his own, he had pleasure in providing the bandstand and he trusted it would be the means of making the Public Park more and more a place of resort for the people of Hamilton. He handed over the stand to the care of the Provost, Magistrates, and Councillors of Hamilton as a gift to the town, and, was certain it would be well taken care of, while he also hoped it would be a source of enjoyment to the populace for many long years. (Loud applause)[…]“

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