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“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues.” The Lorax by Dr. Seuss


We support the declaration by the Scottish Parliament, UK Parliament and many of our local authorities that the world is facing a climate emergency.

However, we also believe that Scottish Government could do much more to support the vital role that community organisations such as ourselves have to play in combating climate change.

Only local people can mobilise grassroots action and there is now massive public support for more radical action on climate change, and so we call on Scottish Government to harness the potential of our communities to respond to this emergency.

Scottish Government must enable a national step-change in our behaviours, attitudes and lifestyles that are so necessary if we are to achieve the targets that climate science demands.

As part of Scotland’s community sector, we pledge to increase our collective efforts to combat the climate emergency, but we need support from all levels of government to do this.

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